Dimensions of Being: A training in the ever-deepening unfolding

Reconnecting with our Essence we open to the mystery of Being as it unfolds in the Here and Now.
dimensions of being training

About the training

What is the training about?

The Dimensions of Being is an ongoing training of six retreats. The first five can be booked separately. More information about each part can be found at the bottom of this page.

We have brilliant and efficient essential resources that are meant to guide and support us in this journey.  

When we open to our Essence, we are at the same time opening to the mystery of Being as it unfolds in the Here and Now.

After more than 20 years of teaching and personal exploration, respectively, Avikal and Velusia have completely redesigned the Dimensions of Being training. The training has always been directed toward in-depth understanding and embodiment of essential qualities, however, now we wish to acknowledge the intensity of the era we are living in, as well as your capacity to view yourself and the world that is now manifesting with the understanding that you are already whole.  

Instead of working towards a completion point, we will begin with the recognition of the totality, and strengthen our connection here.  

This will support every aspect of Being that we work with in the future in a dynamic way.

1. The Focus – Essence is a living manifestation of our True Nature. Resting in the recognition of non-separation, full participation in our own life becomes majestic, yet simple.

2. Integration and Embodiment – Living the truth of our everyday unfoldment begins to absorb our attention into itself.. enlivening and freeing us of all concepts of self. Yes, our precision and openness set the tone, but the song itself is not our doing. Here we can begin to dance with the universe.

3. THE STRUCTURE. Even though we present the Dimensions of Being as a training, it is composed of complete modules that can be accessed individually according to individual needs and possibilities. We offer a sequence that we know is efficient and useful in many ways, but we leave it to the individual to choose whether to follow it or not.  

4. Content – We have revised the content removing any part that could weigh down our direct perception of these blessed states of Being. It is Essence that is the true teacher, and our work, for the most part, is to be together here, meeting what comes through with our deepening contact. This creates the environment for individual exploration and absorption.

5. The Methodology – Self-inquiry remains the main methodology. This form of exploring, literally everything, beginning with yourself, is the adventure of discovery of the living Truth in the present moment. The whole process of inquiry includes the conceptualising that continues to develop and refine our capacities, with natural transparency of sharing ourselves with each other. 

Together with you we will co-create an environment that informs and supports full wakefulness and all that this wakefulness brings through for you personally. For us all to stay responsible to this commitment, it is important to have a one to one session between 2 and 6 weeks after each retreat. You are also invited to contact either Velusia or Avikal to set up a chat before the Stupa if you would like that.

Velusia – exchange@velusia.org

Avikal – avikal@mac.com

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Benefits of this training


Training modules and dates

The Stupa. Essence Retreat

You are ALL that you are in all dimensions. Realize and embody uniqueness.
the stupa module 1

About this module

The Stupa is the Essential vehicle that replaces the personality structure. The Stupa becomes our real structure and is much more than what we could have imagined.

We want to begin with the presence and amazing energy of the Stupa so that our structure will not keep setting its course by what it thinks is possible based on the past, or on our various modulations.

Buddhists refer to the Stupa as The View, because it can shift our perspective radically to align with truth, and at this level, the alignment is not only exactly what we want, even if we didn’t know it, but it can be exhilarating as well as energising and satisfying.

The main themes of the Stupa are:

  • Totality
  • The capacity to sense and utilize all of our resources and essential qualities
  • Manifesting what we wish from the Being level. Actualize and create
  • Experiencing our natural authority and mastery, which is true adulthood

True Nature continues to unfold, without limit, in original and unique ways.

What you will learn

Diamond Guidance

A poetic state of health.

About this module

Diamond Guidance is a name given by mystics to a dynamic sense of unfoldment that happens when the gift of spirit meets our unburdened receptive heart. When that almost magical turn of the heart occurs, there is a quickening that keeps re-newing our orientation to loving the truth. Our day to day attunement to guidance keeps us fresh, curious and connected.

Baudelaire speaks of a ‘poetic state of health’.. and this is it.

What you will learn

The Authentic Self

Recognising and standing in your authenticity. Claiming your place on this planet.

About this module

As we understand and uncover more and more how we have identified with a false sense of self, conditioned by family and culture, and how this identification is based on the fear of survival, two questions become fundamental: “Who am I?” and “What is the meaning of my life?”

The Authentic Self is Being experienced as our True Identity. You recognize how it is obscured by the false identity that we call “I”, your identification with it, in order to survive and feel special: what is generally called narcissism. This illusion of being special ends up hiding the reality of being unique.

What you will learn

The Pearl

Deep intimacy with your essential nature. Becoming a fully integrated individual

About this module

This is the very intimate and precious experience of YOU as the personal manifestation of Essential Nature. We refer to is as Essential Individuality, Embodied Uniqueness.

All the different qualities of Essence: value, power, will, strength, peace, loving kindness, joy etc. exist as impersonal, ever present universal qualities.

As you realize your true nature and align yourself with Truth, all the qualities begin to integrate in you, and you develop and evolve into an integrated human being. The Truth becomes embodied in your flesh, and you move towards becoming a true manifestation of love and awareness.

What you will learn

Soul Gathering

A celebration of this

About this module

Our Soul Gathering is a co-created field of meditation and essential circulation.

After some years, our inquiry becomes a refined spiritual practice, touched by grace.

In this retreat we move within timeless ease and fluidity, bringing whatever it is our souls find to explore, and still return and abide in the vibrant lightness of Being.

What you will learn

What participants say

What participants say


Meet your facilitators

Avikal has worked with Zen & Advaita for more than 35 years. He now leads Zen Retreats...
For the last 40 years she has been sharing and teaching in open formats, Teachers Trainings,...

The place

Join a heart-centered community with 35 years of retreat experience

Since 1986, we have been devoted to personal transformation by creating a nourishing space where you feel safe and loved for who you are.

Osho Risk is a not for profit retreat centre, maintained by a community of people living onsite and nearby. We value our own growth and inner maturity and enjoy sharing this with our guests. Our focus is on awareness, inner silence and joy.

Single rooms

We have single rooms available in the newest building at Risk called Rumi House. You will have your own private space and share bathroom with others.

Shared rooms

We also have shared rooms for 2 up to 10 people. Each shared room have personal spaces for each guest. We always try to take care of the quality of your sleep, accommodating guests with similar needs in the same room.

Organic cuisine with gluten and dairy free options

Attuned with the cycles of nature, our meals are prepared with ingredients of each season. We aim to use mainly organic food grown by local farmers. All the eggs we use are provided by the neighbour’s free range chickens.

Our cooks care and understand the dietary needs of our guests and it is important that you communicate if you have any requirement, such as allergies or restrictions. Please let us know in advance so that the kitchen can be prepared.


Find out all you need to know


You are very welcome to arrive before the start date and stay with us as a guest. Many of our participants come before the retreat starts or stay after it finishes. 


25.000 DKK for the complete training. See each module’s price if taken individually.




Single room: 660 DKK / day ; Shared room: 410 DKK / day. *Prices include food, bed linen & towel with shared bathroom. More details here.


Organic vegetarian cuisine. Gluten free and dairy free options available.


We are located in Brædstrup, the heart of the Danish countryside.


Have questions? Continue reading

You are very welcome to ask for more information if you have questions about this training or just would like to have some support in finding a natural next step on your personal journey. Especially if you are new to Osho or to meditation and/or therapy, it might be nice to have a small chat before deciding to join a process.

Please click on the “Register / Info” button on this page to ask for more information.

Some trainings are labelled “everyone” or “advanced”, which can give you an idea if it is suitable for you.

We suggest you bring:

  • Comfortable clothes for the active meditations, for women a sports bra is recommended for Dynamic Meditation
  • Clothes according to the seasons (even in summer the Scandinavian evenings get chilly)
  • Inhouse shoes or slippers
  • Outdoor walking boots or shoes if you want to explore the surrounding nature
  • Swimsuit (we have lakes and swimming pool nearby)
  • Notepad and pen
  • Your own water bottle to use and refill
  • Earplugs if you are a light sleeper

We encourage that you don’t bring too many “distractions” for yourself.

You can book by clicking the “Register / Info” button on the page.

Then, once we get in touch with you, a deposit must be paid to secure your place. You can pay this by card (Visa, Master, Amex), or bank transfer.

The remaining balance can be paid before the event (card or bank transfer) or upon arrival by card or cash (DKK).

  • In case of cancellation up until one month before the start of the Training, a cancellation fee of 1.200 DDK is charged.
  • In case of cancellation within one month before the start of the Training, the deposit is non-refundable.
  • In case of cancellation once the Training has started, both the deposit and the payment for the next part of the Training to come, is non-refundable.

Yes! We offer pickups from the nearest airport Billund for 340 DKK, the train station in Horsens for 140 DKK and from the local bus stop in Brædstrup, free of charge. Please let us know in advance, so we can coordinate with our drivers.

For more information click here.

If you have other questions please visit our FAQ page by clicking here.

Get in touch to book or find out more information

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Dimensions of Being: A training in the ever-deepening unfolding

Reconnecting with our Essence we open to the mystery of Being as it unfolds in the Here and Now.
dimensions of being training

About this module

The Dimensions of Being is an ongoing training of six retreats. The first five can be booked separately. More information about each part can be found at the bottom of this page.

We have brilliant and efficient essential resources that are meant to guide and support us in this journey.  

When we open to our Essence, we are at the same time opening to the mystery of Being as it unfolds in the Here and Now.

After more than 20 years of teaching and personal exploration, respectively, Avikal and Velusia have completely redesigned the Dimensions of Being training. The training has always been directed toward in-depth understanding and embodiment of essential qualities, however, now we wish to acknowledge the intensity of the era we are living in, as well as your capacity to view yourself and the world that is now manifesting with the understanding that you are already whole.  

Instead of working towards a completion point, we will begin with the recognition of the totality, and strengthen our connection here.  

This will support every aspect of Being that we work with in the future in a dynamic way.

1. The Focus – Essence is a living manifestation of our True Nature. Resting in the recognition of non-separation, full participation in our own life becomes majestic, yet simple.

2. Integration and Embodiment – Living the truth of our everyday unfoldment begins to absorb our attention into itself.. enlivening and freeing us of all concepts of self. Yes, our precision and openness set the tone, but the song itself is not our doing. Here we can begin to dance with the universe.

3. THE STRUCTURE. Even though we present the Dimensions of Being as a training, it is composed of complete modules that can be accessed individually according to individual needs and possibilities. We offer a sequence that we know is efficient and useful in many ways, but we leave it to the individual to choose whether to follow it or not.  

4. Content – We have revised the content removing any part that could weigh down our direct perception of these blessed states of Being. It is Essence that is the true teacher, and our work, for the most part, is to be together here, meeting what comes through with our deepening contact. This creates the environment for individual exploration and absorption.

5. The Methodology – Self-inquiry remains the main methodology. This form of exploring, literally everything, beginning with yourself, is the adventure of discovery of the living Truth in the present moment. The whole process of inquiry includes the conceptualising that continues to develop and refine our capacities, with natural transparency of sharing ourselves with each other. 

Together with you we will co-create an environment that informs and supports full wakefulness and all that this wakefulness brings through for you personally. For us all to stay responsible to this commitment, it is important to have a one to one session between 2 and 6 weeks after each retreat. You are also invited to contact either Velusia or Avikal to set up a chat before the Stupa if you would like that.

Velusia – exchange@velusia.org

Avikal – avikal@mac.com

What you will learn

Dimensions of Being: A training in the ever-deepening unfolding

About this module

The Dimensions of Being is an ongoing training of six retreats. The first five can be booked separately. More information about each part can be found at the bottom of this page.

We have brilliant and efficient essential resources that are meant to guide and support us in this journey.  

When we open to our Essence, we are at the same time opening to the mystery of Being as it unfolds in the Here and Now.

After more than 20 years of teaching and personal exploration, respectively, Avikal and Velusia have completely redesigned the Dimensions of Being training. The training has always been directed toward in-depth understanding and embodiment of essential qualities, however, now we wish to acknowledge the intensity of the era we are living in, as well as your capacity to view yourself and the world that is now manifesting with the understanding that you are already whole.  

Instead of working towards a completion point, we will begin with the recognition of the totality, and strengthen our connection here.  

This will support every aspect of Being that we work with in the future in a dynamic way.

1. The Focus – Essence is a living manifestation of our True Nature. Resting in the recognition of non-separation, full participation in our own life becomes majestic, yet simple.

2. Integration and Embodiment – Living the truth of our everyday unfoldment begins to absorb our attention into itself.. enlivening and freeing us of all concepts of self. Yes, our precision and openness set the tone, but the song itself is not our doing. Here we can begin to dance with the universe.

3. THE STRUCTURE. Even though we present the Dimensions of Being as a training, it is composed of complete modules that can be accessed individually according to individual needs and possibilities. We offer a sequence that we know is efficient and useful in many ways, but we leave it to the individual to choose whether to follow it or not.  

4. Content – We have revised the content removing any part that could weigh down our direct perception of these blessed states of Being. It is Essence that is the true teacher, and our work, for the most part, is to be together here, meeting what comes through with our deepening contact. This creates the environment for individual exploration and absorption.

5. The Methodology – Self-inquiry remains the main methodology. This form of exploring, literally everything, beginning with yourself, is the adventure of discovery of the living Truth in the present moment. The whole process of inquiry includes the conceptualising that continues to develop and refine our capacities, with natural transparency of sharing ourselves with each other. 

Together with you we will co-create an environment that informs and supports full wakefulness and all that this wakefulness brings through for you personally. For us all to stay responsible to this commitment, it is important to have a one to one session between 2 and 6 weeks after each retreat. You are also invited to contact either Velusia or Avikal to set up a chat before the Stupa if you would like that.

Velusia – exchange@velusia.org

Avikal – avikal@mac.com

What you will learn

Training for Transformation

FINAL CALL. Last few spaces. Begin your inner journey in 2024