Bernard Bøhmer

Bernard Bøhmer has his own practice in Oslo and has been working as a consciousness teacher for the last 18 years.
Bernard Bøhmer

Bernard Bøhmer is a regarded consciousness teacher and author, operating out of his own clinic in the city of Oslo. He is the co-author of the book “The Battle Against Restlessness,” which explores ways to increase awareness and tackle the challenges of everyday life. Bernard’s approach to teaching is highly interactive and hands-on, as he works with both men’s and women’s groups, as well as young people.

In addition to his regular clinics and classes, Bernard is a sought-after speaker and workshop leader, offering courses and presentations to companies and organisations that are looking to improve their employees’ well-being and mindfulness. His workshops and lectures are designed to teach participants how to cultivate greater awareness and presence in their daily lives, and how to deal with the challenges that arise along the way.

Bernard’s passion for helping others to increase their awareness and improve their lives is evident in everything he does. He is dedicated to providing a supportive, safe and encouraging environment for those who are seeking to make positive changes in their lives.

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Bernard Bøhmer

Bernard Bøhmer has his own practice in Oslo and has been working as a consciousness teacher for the last 18 years.
Bernard Bøhmer

About this module

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Bernard Bøhmer

About this module

What you will learn

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Training for Transformation

FINAL CALL. Last few spaces. Begin your inner journey in 2024